Never Did I Think I Would Be Able to Breastfeed Twins

Never Did I Think I Would Be Able to Breastfeed Twins
Photo credits: Tabitha Sobey

I always wanted to breastfeed ever since I learned I was going to have a baby. I didn’t want to stress myself out about it, so I told myself to do my best, and if it didn’t work, that’s okay. I truly believe that feeding babies, whether with breast or bottle, is equally good.

Never Did I Think I Would Be Able to Breastfeed Twins
Photo credits: Tabitha Sobey

I never thought we would go this far. I’ve been breastfeeding my twin girls exclusively for 355 days now. It’s been a challenging but rewarding journey. I didn’t think I could breastfeed two babies at the same time, but here we are, almost a year later.

Never Did I Think I Would Be Able to Breastfeed Twins
Photo credits: Tabitha Sobey

As the girls’ birthday approaches, I don’t know how much longer we’ll continue, but we’ll decide together. What I do know is that it took dedication, patience, and perseverance, but we’ve come this far and are still going strong.

Never Did I Think I Would Be Able to Breastfeed Twins
Photo credits: Tabitha Sobey

It’s easy to criticize our bodies instead of appreciating them. I am proud, amazed, and grateful that my body could carry, deliver, and provide for three babies. Despite the sleepless nights and sacrifices, it’s all been worth it. I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.

Never Did I Think I Would Be Able to Breastfeed Twins
Photo credits: Tabitha Sobey

Now that the girls are growing, it’s getting harder. They crawl, climb, and sometimes distract each other during feeding. But there are also moments when they hold hands or make each other laugh, and those are moments that melt my heart.

Never Did I Think I Would Be Able to Breastfeed Twins
Photo credits: Tabitha Sobey

My body hasn’t been mine for the past year, but I’ve never felt stronger and more at peace with who I am. It hasn’t been easy, and it’s not the right choice for everyone, but it’s what worked for us.

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